Why is the Sheila Johnson endorsement of McDonnell important?

The knee-jerk reaction to long-time Democratic donor and co-founder of Black Entertainment Television Sheila Johnson’s endorsement of Bob McDonnell, Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate, is that it’s important because she is black.

If you think about it some more, you might get past the race issue and start to think that the endorsement is big because Ms. Johnson is a woman.

Maybe you get past the race and gender aspects and look to the fact that Ms. Johnson is a billionaire, hence, she could be a rather considerable financial contributor to McDonnell.

Finally, you could say that this person normally gives to the Democratic party (including Governors Kaine and Warner)…and in big numbers…so this is a coup for Republicans.

You’d be right on all accounts, but you have to think a bit more about the social ramifications of this endorsement to get at what it really means.

I was exchanging emails with some friends about this endorsement and fellow contributor Jane wrote the following:

“She understands business…..The most important color this election could easily be green, as in dollars.”

Jane is right on the mark-but maybe even more than she realizes.

This is a post-racial, post-gender, trans-partisanship endorsement.

It actually has little, if anything, to do with race or gender, yet everything to do with it, because Ms. Johnson is looking out for, well, Ms. Johnson.

“Make no mistake, these are tough economic times for all Virginians. Unemployment is on the rise and families are struggling to stay in their homes,” she said in a statement. “We need bold and innovative leadership to move our state forward and that’s why I’ve chosen to support Bob McDonnell for Governor. He has shown me that he has the right vision and the executive leadership skills that will guide Virginia through these challenging times. He understands that we have to help businesses in our state – both big and small – thrive so that we put Virginians back to work. I’m proud to endorse Bob McDonnell to be our next governor.”

Does that sound like, “I’ve chosen to endorse Bob McDonnell because he will do what’s best for black Americans”? Or, “as a woman, McDonnell is going to do what’s best for feminism?”

Well, in reality, yes, it is. But not in the traditional sense of handouts and Democratic pandering.

Johnson realizes that the McDonnell business plan actually will grow jobs and isn’t dependent on government to make it happen.

Johnson realizes that her business ventures will do better in a McDonnell economy than under Deeds’ watch.

Johnson, as a powerful, rich, black woman, is setting her own terms.

She’s not looking to be told what to do by Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Louis Farakhan, or anyone else for that matter.

She’s looking at her business interests. At her political interests. At her personal interests. And, as an American success story, she says the best person who will help her continue living the American dream in the Commonwealth of Virginia is Bob McDonnell.

And, that, my friends, is something we can all celebrate – whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. Let’s just hope the trend continues.

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