Multiple Choice

I received an email from my always concerned Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA-8) asking his constituents on how to reform healthcare. As open minded as he is, he has offered us a multiple choice survey with diverse options (we even get to choose multiple of the multiple choices):

  • Create a public health insurance option that competes with the private insurers.
  • Reform current insurance markets to prevent discrimination based on pre-existing health conditions, age, or gender.
  • Create a more efficient healthcare system thereby reducing costs.
  • Expand access to current federal health programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Require all Americans to purchase either a public or private health insurance plan so risk is dispersed and rates can be reduced.
  • Invest in prevention and wellness programs.
  • Require employers to provide health insurance for their employees.
  • Other: (fill in the blank)
  • Somehow these options did not make the list:

  • Removing mandates from health insurance enabling wider array of options to more people to include many uninsured young people who end up in the emergency room because they cannot afford basic coverage.
  • Shifting tax credits from the employer to the citizen to create a true Free Market for coverage and enable employees to switch jobs without the fear of losing coverage for pre-existing conditions.
  • Tort reform to prevent trial lawyers from suing for obscene amounts which do not benefit the patient and raise costs for everyone
  • Getting rid of the inept FDA approval process for life saving drugs and instead enforce transparency on drug trial results.
  • As the healthcare debate rages on and the proponents of universal/socialized healthcare discuss “choices” it is important to challenge them with the solution of a more efficient healthcare system without the mandates, regulations and restrictions. A more fair system where politicians are not involved in which procedures are covered and which are not. A more affordable system where insurers can offer budget plans to low income families and young adults. A more proactive system where investments into new medical technologies are made because prevention is more profitable than curing. Opponents of Obama’s plans need to start offering real alternatives to shift the debate otherwise we will continue to march down the path of big government solutions for all of our problems.

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