“Insiders” National Journal Poll: “Cap and Tax” and Stimulus

This week, the National Journal “insiders” and “bloggers” polls focused on the climate change bill and whether or not we need further economic stimulus measures.

The Insiders show that there will not be any more stimulus measures in the near term, but if there were, Democrats support government spending and Republicans tax cuts. No surprise there.

The bloggers, on climate change, see it as having little, if any impact.

FWIW, my comment on energy tax bill:

“Energy consumption raises by 9 percent by 2030 and renewables only grow by 8 percent… even under optimistic projections. And that’s only in the U.S. Imagine how other emerging economies, which depend on fossil fuels, are going to grow their energy use and hence their CO2 emissions. The only thing this legislation does is to hurt our economy and the middle class.”

and further economic stimulus:

“Government spending takes a long time to work. If you want to stimulate an economy, let the people keep more of what they earn — and cut spending, which is almost never going to happen because the two parties demonize each other when they try.”

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