Less is More

The world is watching Iran during these delicate and important times. The White House is very wisely staying out of the rhetoric on the situation. Unfortunately, Republicans like John McCain are urging President Obama to get more involved in the election process in Iran. Inflammatory or antagonizing statements from the US Government is exactly what the Iranian Establishment wants to prove to their public that America once again is meddling in their affairs and the protests are a repeat of what we did to overthrow their last legitimately elected government with Mosedegh in 1953.

McCain stated “I’m disappointed, it is an American principle ever since our founding that we are dedicated to the principle that all are created equal and the fact is they have the right to free elections and to select their leadership”. Sadly, McCain does not understand the different between Non-Intervention and Isolationism and if he were President today would certainly get us involved in another entangling alliance we could not afford or manage.

So I say to my Republican friends, please let Iran solve Iran’s problems.

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