Why Israel?

Perhaps the most intense conflict in the world today is the conflict which revolves around the state of Israel. The United States must support the nation of Israel. To be sure, there are some on the right and left who oppose our nation’s support for Israel, however, it is critical for several reasons.

First, support for a Jewish state has always been a hallmark of United States foreign policy. Our second President John Adams is quoted as saying:

I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.

Later on, President Lincoln would say this:

Restoring the Jews to their national home in Palestine…is a noble dream and one shared by many Americans.

In the early days America did not only support a Jewish state with it words, but also with its actions. Two American missionaries, Pliny Fisk and Levi Parsons were  missionaries who went to the Middle East with one of their purposes being to plant the seeds for a Jewish state in Palestine. Not to mention America’s record of support for Israel since its rebirth as a nation in 1948.

The United States also owes the Jewish people a great debt. Had it not been for Haym Solomon, a Jewish financier, the United States might not have won the Revolutionary War. There are also other well documented cases of native and foreign born Jews contributing to American Independence.

Perhaps history does not come into account for you, I urge you then to look at our relations with Israel from a practical standpoint. Israel is the only ally in the Middle East that we can trust. So called “moderate” leaders, such as Mahmoud Abbas, have proven quite stubborn when it comes to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state. The moderate Islamic leaders have proven themselves to be quite contrarian when it comes to America’s best interests.

Israel is America’s most sure ally in many ways. America has not only practical ties to Israel, but also inherent ones. America needs to support Israel, even if the world does not. America has not always taken the rose petaled path of ease, and to be sure, supporting Israel is not an easy thing to do in a world that is often filled with hatred for the Jewish people. America must, however, take the course that it has charted in times past; the course of what is right over what is popular.

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