Mullins getting the nod from party leadership

Pat Mullins has received the endorsements of everyone next to Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan for chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, according to the Washington Post’s blog and Too Conservative.

Bob McDonnell, the Republican congressional delegation, and most of the House GOP have given their blessing to the Republican unit committee chair from Louisa County in his bid to remain party chairman after having been selected by the State Central Committee on May 2 and after former Chairman Jeff Frederick was removed by the same body just a month prior.

“The release of the impressive endorsement list must mean Mullins is worried about his rival, Bill Stanley, a lawyer from Franklin County who is backed by many Frederick supporters,” wrote Anita Kumar of WaPO.

That comment actually might have some merit, but it’s not entirely true. There is also a growing group of grassroots activists who are perturbed by the appearance that State Central and the GOP establishment is dictating this choice without so much as a discussion over who might be best for the party. Additionally, there are also those who have been impressed by the positive and effective campaign that Stanley is running.

“Some Frederickistas may see this as confirmation that Mullins is the “establishment” pick, and so therefore Bill Stanley is the “grassroots” pick, despite the fact that such a dichotomy is entirely fictional,” wrote VA Blogger

That may be true too, but the party sure has done a good job at perpetuating the myth.

One of these days, Republican leaders might figure out how to conduct effective public relations in the midst of internal dissent. Slamming the door on dialogue and being dismissive of an opposing opinion probably isn’t the best course of action.

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