What’s in a name?

Marc Fisher of the Washington Post offers up another mindless and uninspired post on Raw Fisher about tracking what names are popular for people…and then tying them to the current campaign for governor.

In his post, Fisher writes the following:

Check out Terry (McAuliffe), a name that peaked in popularity in 1963, in Arizona. Our Terry was born in New York in 1957, so his parents were just ahead of the crowd. Ditto Brian (Moran): Our Brian was born in Massachusetts in 1959, but the name peaked in popularity in 1973, in Nebraska. Moran was actually made a Brian during a valley in the name’s long history of success. Finally in this race, there’s the Republican, Bob McDonnell, a square-jawed, Moral Majority type with a name that suits him [emph. added]. McDonnell, born in 1954 in Philadelphia, is of course actually a Robert, and that name peaked in 1960, in Rhode Island, so his parents were right in there on a name that was about as popular as any in U.S. history–a name that has all but disappeared in the naming sweepstakes nationwide.

Proof positive that Fisher can’t even make a fluff-piece not have some sort of hidden agenda. Notice how McDonnell is the only one who gets an added commentary from Fisher, where he can’t help but try to paint McDonnell with a broad brush?

As for “Marc”, the name, it peaked in New Hampshire in 1964. It’s apparent that Marc, the writer, never peaked.

Speaking of names and stupidity, it appears that the RNC is considering changing how they refer to the Democratic Party from “Democrats” to “Democrat-Socialists.”


As if it’s not difficult enough being a Republican these days, our so-called leaders within the party have to act like fools.

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