What does Robert’s Rules say?

The Richmond Times-Dispatch seems intent to create some controversy over the May 2 meeting of the RPV…stating that whoever is elected to chair that meeting is the “endorsed” candidate for permanent chair.

However, what RTD is missing is that this is standard procedure for any organization that has a vacated seat.

From Robert’s Rules:

“If the presiding officer must leave the chair, the first vice president, if there is one, takes it….The first adjournment ends this appointment.”

Which then implies that the next convening of a meeting will elect a new chairman. More specifically, a person to preside over deliberations of the body.

So, to be more specific, what does the RPV party plan say?

SECTION C. Vacancies
1. A vacancy in the office of State Chairman shall be filled by the State Central Committee until the next regular State Convention, which shall then elect a State Chairman to fill the remaining unexpired portion of the term of the vacating State Chairman.

3. First Vice Chairman
The First Vice Chairman’s primary duty, until action is taken under the provisions of Article III, Section C, Paragraph 1, is to act as State Chairman when the office has been vacated by the State Chairman or during his disability.

Per the party plan, Mike Thomas, who is current acting chair of the RPV, certainly can continue in that role through the convention. But, by Robert’s Rules, he must be elected to remain in that position on May 2.

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