Steve Forbes: Card Check “not dead”

Steve Forbes said that the battle over Card Check is not done, even with some major defections from the pro-union camp in the US Senate.

Forbes called the card check the “Employee Forced Choice Act” since it does away with a secret ballot for a formation of a union. He called it “a Soviet Style union election” with the elimination of the usual secret ballot to start a union.

Forbes also attacked the part of the bill that provides forces federal government arbitration of labor negotiations as damaging to business, especially small business.

Mark McKinnon of the Workforce Fairness Institute called it a “Labor bailout bill” to save unions from their dwindling membership numbers. Government arbitration means more labor disputes, with unions knowing the government will impose more pro-union solutions to wage and benefits negotiations than true collective bargaining would ever give them.

Brian Kirwin (who gets more brilliant the more I read him) of Bearing Drift even got in a question.

“To paraphrase the Princess Bride, is card check dead, or is it only mostly dead?

Here in Virginia, our two Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner, are tap dancing around the issue. How can we nudge them into taking a position, and one that the voters agree with?”

Forbes replied, “If they feel that this is something that might get pushed through, they might hold their noses and do it, and figure it’s like an operation without anesthesia. Do it quickly and make up for it later.”

“Even though opposition is mounting, it won’t be dead until enough people come out firmly against it. Until this thing in under the ground with a stake through its heart, we can not rest.”

Find more about Card Check at and contact your Senators, even the “radical centrists” and make them tell you their positions. Despite what some may think, they work for you.

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