Live coverage of Jeff Frederick impeachment proceedings

5:19 p.m.
All, we have completed our coverage. Chairman Frederick was voted to be removed from office by a vote of 57-18. Morton Blackwell abstained, and his vote would not have made a difference anyway at affecting the outcome. Please review our Cover-It Live chat for more details and listen to the final podcast for Jeff Frederick’s statement and to hear from Gary Byler, Lori-Ann Miller, and Morton Blackwell.

2:53 p.m.
To get everyone up to speed, they are wrapping up debate and we should have a vote in about an hour.

We are going to begin our next live podcast at 4 p.m….here is the link:

There are 76 votes here at State Central. 57 votes are required to remove Chairman Frederick from office.

The day has consisted of two procedural votes which would have aided Chairman Frederick – each broke with about 63 votes against.

Each side – those desiring removal and Chairman Frederick’s defense – both took about an hour to present their arguments. Right now, State Central Committee members are being offered the opportunity to speak before a roll call vote will take place.

Frederick had about 75 supporters outside the hotel at the beginning of the day chanting such things as “Elected not Selected.”

Elected officials here include Sen. Walther Stocsch, Del. Morgan Griffith, Del. John Cosgrove, and Sen. Frank Ruff.

There are 10 proxies here today. One proxy, from Roanoke, and subject of one of the procedural votes, was not seated.

2:24 p.m.: Our next live episode will be here at 4 p.m.

Update 9:40 a.m.: OK…we made it. Looks like things are in full swing outside. Here’s a photo of Jeff and Amy Frederick sharing a word before they speak with the crowd gathered outside the hotel.

Update 6:10 a.m.: Shaun Kenney lays out in detail just as to why today’s proceedings are occurring and what is the importance. Shaun concludes:

Sadly… the potential FEC violations could very well be fatal. The kabuki dance you’ve seen over the last few weeks will hopefully come to a speedy end tomorrow. One way or another, Jeff Frederick either must have the courage to resign, or State Central must exercise it’s duty to preserve the public trust and remove him.

Most importantly…I’m awake and am ready to commute to the Richmond Marriott West in Glen Allen…about two hours from here. I’m trying to get up there for the Pro-Frederick rally. But, before that can happen: Must have coffee! See y’all in a few!

**** Original Post ****

Tomorrow TODAY (Saturday), Virginia Politics On-Demand will be LIVE from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Henrico to offer up interviews, play-by-play, and instant analysis on the State Central Committee proceedings via BlogTalkRadio.

You should be able to listen to both shows through our main page on BTR.

However, the episodes are broken into two parts. Part one (link to show) from 10 a.m.-noon. Part two (link to show) from noon-2 p.m.

Feel free to call in and offer your perspective at (718) 664-9599.

I haven’t decided yet if I am going to use Cover-It Live for this yet or not. But it will be THIS POST tomorrow TODAY where you will find our updates.

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