Coggeshall – Change, Diversity and Public Safety in Norfolk

Happy with the levels of crime in Norfolk? I haven’t met anyone yet who is. Change is on the Ballot this Tuesday as Norfolk chooses a new Commonwealth’s Attorney.

John Coggeshall thinks that the increasing trend in crime should change. Greg Underwood and the Norfolk Democrats are asking us, the voters, on March 10th to continue the trend of crime, gangs and violence. As Senior Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney, Greg Underwood has done nothing to curb this trend in eight years.

Underwood’s sorry record only goes back 8 years, since he burned Norfolk in the 90s to go into private practice, and to go work in Virginia Beach. I guess he rediscovered his love for Norfolk in time to get his current job.

John Coggeshall, one of Norfolk’s favorite sons, has lived and worked in Norfolk for over 33 years and has never once strayed from this city. He’s never once burned us for greener pastures. As a popular entertainer or fulfilling his constitutional duty as a court-appointed attorney or helping our children as a guardian-ad-litem, he was always serving Norfolk.

Since 2003, Norfolk city government has been controlled by one Party, the Democratic Party. This doesn’t say much for the diversity of opinion that exists in our city government, diversity that the Democratic Party says it champions.

This is a chance for independents and Republicans to have a voice in fighting out-of-control crime, gangs and drugs in Norfolk. This is a chance for there to be more than one chair at the table, with hand-picked people sitting in it.

On March 10th, Norfolk voters have the chance to provide a measure of balance to the city government. Please vote for John Coggeshall.

Status quo voting gives us status quo government, status quo crime, and status quo problems.

We need a change. We need John Coggeshall.

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