Fimian-Connolly debate

Keith Fimian (R) and Gerry Connolly (D), both campaigning for the open seat vacated by the retiring U.S. Rep. Tom Davis (R-11), debated Thursday night in Prince William.

So far, coverage of the debate has been sparse. However, the Fairfax Times has a pretty good recap.

The debate, as reported, seemed to focus on Connolly’s management of Fairfax County, where he served as chairman of the Board of Supervisors and managed to get the county into a $430 million budget deficit.

“Fimian accused the chairman of ‘incompetence,’ ‘spending like a drunken sailor’ and not adequately planning for the future,” reports FT.

On Immigration, Fimian stated that “there’s a rule of law that’s got to be followed.”

You can hear many of Fimian’s points on these issues in our podcast that we had with him earlier this week. We invited Chairman Connolly, but his campaign declined.

For some other good recaps, check out Citizen Tom and Too Conservative

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