Forbes presents New Manhattan Project on CNN

Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) is actually leading in Congress instead of waiting to be led when it comes to energy. His bill to create 100% energy independence within the next 20 years is one of the boldest initiatives that has been proposed in Congress in decades.

“It’s time to stop talking and actually put a bill forward,” said Forbes in his appearance yesterday on CNN.

Watch the clip:

Here are the innovations Forbes is calling for in his plan:

  • Double CAFE standards to 70 MPG while keeping vehicles affordable
  • Cut home and business energy usage in half
  • Make solar power work at the same cost as coal
  • Make the production of biofuels cost-competitive with gasoline
  • Safely and cheaply store carbon emissions from coal-powered plants
  • Safely store or neutralize nuclear waste
  • Produce usable electricity from a nuclear fusion reaction
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