Person of the Week: Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Did Rev. Jeremiah Wright have influence on Sen. Barack Obama and his belief system? Is it appropriate to question Wright’s influence on Obama, especially when he uses phrases such as “God damn America“? What about media bias? Has there been a difference in coverage between Pres. Bush appearing at Bob Jones University for a speech in 2000 and how the media is treating Obama today? Regardless, it’s dominating the news…making Rev. Wright our person of the week.

P.S….great comment in the Gateway Pundit link:

Now… Imagine if Bush hadn’t just given a speech, but also…

** Was an active member of the church for 20-years.
** Was married by Bob Jones
** Had his children baptized by Bob Jones
** Gave tens-of-thousands to the church
** Titled a book after one of Jones’ sermons
** Had regularly listened to Jones’ sermons on tape while at grad school
** Had appointed Jones to his campaign
** Claimed Jones as his spiritual mentor

…and then claimed he was “only vaguely aware of Bob Jones University’s policies and past”?

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